The Daily Buzz- The Ebay Holiday Collective mixes Fashion & Technology w/ USB Arm Candy

ebay CFDA holiday collective, 2013 holidays, holiday gift guide

Fashion and technology are becoming more and more synonymous with each other, and the latest proof is in the unveiling of Ebay’s second annual Holiday Collective. They have linked up with the CFDA  to create five one of a kind bracelets that double as usb cords, mixing style and functionality. The five designs, hailing from Mara HoffmanMichael BastianMillyRachel Zoe and Shipley & Halmos range in design and look, from leopard to geometric prints, but all possess one amazing quality. For $25, they’re a fashion steal, and my first mention.. (yes, we’re there already!) for a fun holiday gift.

The collection launches on Ebay on November 11th.  

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