This week I’m totally obsessed with:
1. Finally getting to the highline. I’m embarrassed to admit that I, myself a native of the island, have never been to the place where people swarm on a nightly basis, walking, talking and yes, maybe even… gallavanting high above the city. This weekend, not only am I going, I’m going to the brand new ROLLER RINK designed by Uniglo. As soon as I find my Playboy pink knee high socks, and short shorts, complete with pigtails, and a blowpop… Roller girl aint got nothing on me……
read more about this new attraction keeping NY’ers busy at
2. Becoming a better photographer. And first To do, in order is to finally get myself a real, big girls camera. But does a camera a blogger make? hmm (But more on this later). Soon, the Canon SX301s will be leaving Best Buy in my hands, and then the real fun begins….
3. Patiently awaiting my new WANT in the mail. The floating double ring from the Gretchen Jones collection with Piperlime. Can’t wait to rock it every day…..
4. Loving quotes that are so true to life, they make you laugh out loud, like Stylish Thought’s Thought of the week. If this does not ring true for you, then you should be voted off the island immediately.
5. The arrival of the September Issues…The gasp of the cover, the ferocity with which I pull a 10 pound brick of a magazine out of a small narrow mailbox, the methodical nature that leads me to peruse each page as if I’m reading something from biblical times; careful not to miss any word, image, or detail as I carefully dog-ear away…. Ah yes, September is coming.
Kristen Stewart In W
For more on this check out
All hail the Queen – Kate Moss on Vogue
Read all about the photo shoot and see video at here
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