I’ve always been a pretty huge fan of kissing. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the stuff that comes with it, and after it too, but there’s something about a kiss that can just make a girl melt.
No matter who we kiss; boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, friend, or person from the bar last night, one thing always remains the same; the power of that kiss. Some of them are short, others linger on for hours, while some leave a mark, literally; a little remnant to remind you of them, whether it be a flavor, a scent, or a lip stain left to linger.
Since the kissing season is upon us, and Valentines Day is only one day away, with full throttle commercialism pushing it right along, what better time to get your lips ready and pucker up. Here’s 5 of my favorite lip glosses that will help you to leave your mark, even they don’t leave theirs.
1. (From left) Rimmel London Show off Lip Laquer in Stargazer. I received this as a part of an Influenster box, and it immediately began its daily rotation in my bag. It’s light, and the pinkish beige color makes it perfect for easy wearability every day, no matter what you’re wearing, or where you are going. Available at Walgreens, $4.79
2. L’oreal gold Gloss. I originally discovered this item last year as part of a Duane Reade assignment highlighting the L’oreal Electric Fantasie collection. I wore it so much, I had to restock soon after. Called, The Muses Shine, the golden gloss goes on smooth, and the color really shows up on your lips, without being over the top. Think more Midsummer night’s Dream, then Studio 54. L’oreal lip glosses are available at Walgreens.
3. C.O. Bigelow Magenta Mint lip tint. This lip gloss does major double duty, giving a hint of color to your lips, while simultaneously infusing a refreshing, cooling sensation that provides fresh breath. The peppermint oil instantly cools and freshens your mouth, leaving lips ready for action, whatever that may entail. Available at C.O. Bigelow’s site, $7.50
4. Wet n Wild Mega slicks clear lip gloss. Proof that some of the best things in life really are only one dollar. Keeps it’s shine, without any stickiness. Wet n Wild is still one of my favorite, go -to brands, not just because of affordability but reliability. Their makeup compares to high priced department stores brands I also have, and the bright red is still my go to red lipstick. The mega slicks gloss comes in so may fun colors, but I’m partial to the clear. Available at Wet n Wild
5. Lancome Juicy Tubes ultra shiny lip gloss. I tend to think of juicy tubes as the standard that all lip glosses look to; it’s a classic, a tried and true mainstay, and comes in a huge variety of colors. Although you can get a bigger size of the gloss, I received a juicy tubes set as a holiday gift. Instead of one large gloss, I got five awesome little ones, proving once again that variety really is the spice of life. Available at Lancome Usa, $18 each
5. NYX Mood lip gloss. Remember mood rings? In today’s time we can pretend to base our disposition on a mood lip gloss. The lip product goes on sheer, and then transforms into a color based on the wearer’s mood. It comes in Affectionate, smile brightener, and sensual. Sensual, which happens to be appropriately mine (I am a scorpio after all) turns to a deep mulberry hue, and promises a sensual transformation, and desire. While I didn’t find my inner prowess jumping out exactly, I love the purple color, moody and all. And after all, the power of the mood ring is not about accuracy, it’s about belief. Nyx can be found at Nyx Cosmetics.com , gloss $4.50
6. V Beaute Anti Aging Tinted Lip Gloss. A different take on the mood enhancer product, and one of my favorite items in my every day bag, mostly because it allows me to wear my favorite kind of lipstick, red, in an every day way. I love the way red lipstick makes me feel, and look; it gives me the illusion of a tan (or at least in my mind it does), and it seems to match my auburn hair perfectly. Sometimes, a splash of red lips really can make my whole outfit. Since I’m not a every day red lipstick kind of girl, for all those in between days I wear V beaute. The gloss actually goes on clear, and then reacts with your ph balance to turn into the shade that reflects you best. So apparently, I am really am a red head through and through. V beaute told me so. Vbeaute is available on their website, and at Duane Reade stores. Gloss, $19
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