New York, I Love You- Valentines Day, City Style –

John Mayer sang of a city love,  Tony Bennett asked us to turn Manhattan into an isle of joy, and ironically, and in the most bittersweet of ways, we remember Whitney belting out the greatest love of all, which as we all know by now… is deep inside of us…. Valentines Day; A day where the most cynical and jaded of islands turns into a love spree from downtown, to uptown, and in the middle. Attached girls walk around saying, “smile”, and single people walk around lamenting about the “superficial mass market hallmark holiday hype” of today. I would like to think I sit somewhere comfortably in the middle of both these extremes. There are 2 rush hours today, the traffic, and the swarm of men that rush through the city streets at 6pm, darting into stores, feverishly grabbing bouquets, and dashing onto open, some to confirm reservations, and others to quickly plan what they will either beautifully pull off without a hitch, or be forced to admit they planned  last minute. All scenarios differ depending on the woman waiting on the other end. I am a romantic at heart, but I’m also a native New Yorker, so what kind of true, authentic New Yorker would I be, if I didn’t add a little spicy cynicism to the pot. Some may agree, and some might read this and roll their eyes, ‘god b, you are so bad!’ But one thing is for sure, whether it be perpetrated by Hallmark or not, corny or not, love is definitely in the air for the days leading up to the big V-day. As was evident this past Sunday at Petco in Union Square, where me and my besties attended the wedding of the year. No, I’m not referring to Kate and William. Sure, maybe that will last, but this wedding had all the ingredients of a good ol’ fashioned romance. New York City backdrop,   a pre-arranged marriage, an eager groom, and a bitch of a bride. Since I don’t tend to view the world through rose colored glasses that often, I’m forced to see my own romance in the unexpected places; the ones that you don’t know are coming; like a morning cup of coffee, a baked good, or as already mentioned, the courtship of an unlikely duo right before my eyes. Love in the big city is not always easy to come by, but sometimes you can find it in the most unlikely of places… if you’re paying attention.

New York Marriage- Doggy Style – 

A Very Fitting dessert for MOI 

Drink UP the Love

Have Your Cake, and Eat it Too 

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