New York Baby Show Ticket Giveaway

The number of moms and new, growing families in New York City continues to soar. And while I myself, might not be there quite yet, my life is surrounded by them more and more, as to be expected. So what’s an expectant or new mom to do when she needs some guidance, advice, or just an arsenal of products to prep her for all the mothering down the road. The answer? The annual New York Baby Show!

The annual event, happening on May 20th and May 21st at Pier 94 will (once again), be the largest show in the country for new, or soon to be parents. Now in it’s 7th year, the family friendly event offers a day of learning, exploring, and shopping through a series of seminars, events, giveaways and more. Guest speakers, and pregnancy/parenting experts will be on hand covering topics ranging from maternal health, to tips for adjusting to mom life. Plus, most importantly, attendees will have the opportunity to explore over 200 top maternity, and baby brands including new, and innovative products. All aimed at providing support, knowledge, and hoping to make the process a little more fun.

Motherhood, (or impending motherhood) can be frightening. But being stocked with an arsenal of both information and tools can certainly help ease the transition. The New York Baby Show knows this, which is why they’re giving away tickets for you and your family to experience the show.

 Sign up here to get your free tickets to the Baby Show today – don’t miss out!


A normal ticket price is $30 per family (for 2 adults and up to 4 children), and $20 per individual. So, if you have a big family and plan on heading to the show this May, this will certainly help with cost. If you can’t score the above, you can still grab tickets for you, or your family, at 50 % off.

new york baby show, mom trends, baby show giveaway, ticket giveaway


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