The Itching Hour: Managing Allergy Relief with Duane Reade & Poncho

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Although most of us wait on bated breath for the spring season to arrive, bringing warmth, removal of layers, and an overall change in disposition, there also comes some downside. For those of us who suffer from moderate to severe allergies, we know this downside all too well. As a severe allergy sufferer, and asthmatic, I love New York City in the springtime, but not what usually comes with it. The change in temperature and high pollen count means morning headaches, stuffed noses and overall discomfort. That’s why, when the weather recently changed, I put away my winter jacket, and headed right over to Duane Reade to pick up some of that seasonal allergy relief.

Medicine in the form of pills, nasal spray, saline, and even a humidifier or purifier can help tremendously to reduce pain, and provide some comfort during allergy season.

#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade


#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade

 The Spring and summer season brings sunshine, flowers and bees abound. But those very things that scream sunshine unfortunately also deliver high pollen counts and allergy prone weather. Take Claritin for daily relief of allergies during the high season.

#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade #allergyseason


Allergy Essentials for the season can include a powerful pill, like Claritin, a nasal spray, vapor inhaler and even saline washes that work like netti pots. And of course, tissues on hand are a must. The Duane Reade brand Nice! provides affordability and comfort. 

#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade

As a native New Yorker there are certain things each spring season that are just givens. A morning ice coffee from the cart on the corner, a Saturday stroll to Duane Reade, and of course, those pesky allergies.Duane Reade is quintessential New York so it’s only fitting that they would team up with a New york city based weather app to help alleviate some of that allergy despair. Sign up for Poncho to get personalized daily alerts in the morning and afternoon via text or phone, that send you the day’s temperatures and pollen count. On high pollen count days it provides coupons for allergy medicine. Consider it your daily essential wake up call and afternoon pick me up for all things allergy season.

Not only is this Nyc weather app useful for it’s information, it accomplishes a feat that is not necessarily easy. It makes the weather creative and funny. Every morning I am greeted by a cute, kitschy little phrase or saying accompanied by the day’s weather. Today’s morning wake up call even included a little video!

#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade



#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade


It Delivers coupons straight to your inbox based on the day’s weather activity… today’s forecast and pollen count calls for a $4 off coupon for Claritin.  

#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade


So easy to use; just scan and go.

#weather #poncho #allergyrelief #duane reade

 Handbag essentials. Keep Claritin on hand for those high pollen count days, and always keep your poncho app on for daily alerts and updates.

For more info on the partnership with Poncho, fun facts, and updates on weekly deals and spotlight products, follow Duane Reade on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram at @DuaneReadeNYC. 

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One response

  • A morning stroll to the coffee cart? You had me ready to move to NYC as soon as you mentioned that! I can’t wait to use this app too, thanks for sharing! #client