Matthew Broderick, or rather his, still to this day, alter ego, Ferris Bueller said it best. Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
I second that emotion, and am frequently, as the native New Yorker that I am, reminding myself to literally slow down, smell the roses and don’t sweat the small stuff.
But while this mantra may very well suit us in mentality and the overall quality of life, there are a few things that all city dwellers must accomplish in order to maintain that quality. A feeling of pride, when they lie down at night and their head hits the pillow that they served the day well, made the most of their time, and got everything done. Because no matter how mellow, or happy, or easy going we may be, there is one thing we all cherish and crave above all else. Time. And to busy islanders, who mostly thrive on the rush of the rush, time is that which eludes us and teases us all at the same time. Time doesn’t exist in a bottle, you can’t catch it, or hold it. But thanks to the new Duane Reade app, one thing is certain, you can save it.
Download it here for FREE on Itunes, and then read below to learn how it can change your life.. or at least your day.
Here are some of the ways the App can reward you with one touch of the button.
1. Refill prescriptions with literally one click, from your accessed account..
Or by scanning your bottle right on your iphone
2. Easily print any of your favorite pictures from your albums or Facebook and send them to print at any Duane Reade. I always find it ironic that as far we have come with technology, our human nature has still yet to catch up. Picture taking is easier and more convenient then ever, so much so, that people don’t even need cameras anymore. Iphone, (for non photographers) and Instagram have replaced the camera for all intensive purposes. And yet, with personal photo diaries making it easier then ever to memorex every single moment, from waking to sleeping, one thing has been taken from us. The photo album, the scrapbook, and the framed picture. Seriously, when was the last time you actually looked at a picture OFF of a screen, and in real life? As easy as it is in today’s time to take a picture, no one seems to have mastered the art of making it easy to print them. Normally laziness or lack of time ensues, and in turn, pictures remain memories on screens, rather then frames on walls.
The Duane Reade App finally makes it a breeze to take images from screen to reality, in 3 incredibly easy, quick steps ….
quick prints from the App menu Find your picture from your personal albums, or Facebook and pick your size Go to your closest location, and pick up your prints- That’s it! Get ready to cover your fridge in new pictures3. Locate the closest Duane Reade to you. It’s the age old Murphys Law that although the city is covered with Starbucks, Chase Banks, and Duane Reades on every corner, you can never find any of the aforementioned, when you actually need them. With the store locator option, just plug in your street or zip code, and the app will find the closest one, ready to serve.
4. Scan any barcode or QR code with ease with the scanner feature on the Duane Reade app. Makes me reminisce on all those days spent as a girl, playing supermarket cashier. And now, I can role play whenever I want.
5. View, Maintain, and Use your Balance Rewards with more ease from home, mobile, or in store. This is my definitely my favorite feature of the Duane Reade app. For a file hoarder like me, who has been known to turn an entire room inside out searching for a receipt or coupon, this makes that frenzy a thing of the past. No more fights with cashiers over the exact and true balance on your card, or when your supposed $5 coupon entitlement begins. And extinct is the act of fumbling through your bag, wallet, pocket and keychain for that little Rewards card, as the long line behind you gets ansy. Everything is accessible and viewable right on your app, from a history of purchases, to your point balance and rewards. Most importantly, your rewards card is downloaded directly to your phone, meaning instead of that fumbling dance, you’ll scan your card with the ease of a ballerina crossing the floor. That’s a pretty rewarding experience, if you ask me.
Peace of mind, not included, but trust me, at that point, you won’t need it anymore.
To stay up to date on what the app can offer, and other exciting rewards, follow Duane Reade on Twitter
For more on this story and more pictures, check out my Google Plus Story
All photography by John Turck
“I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Duane Reade. #DRApp #cbias #SocialFabric. All ideas expressed and written are from my own blogger brain :)”
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