There’s always something going on, in every corner, nook, cranny, and Duane Reade on this island , at any given time of day. It can be big, small, loud, quiet, but all day long things go on. On any given day or weekend day, those things go on; life can be crazy, or calm, but sometimes a quiet Saturday shopping for shampoo or concealer can turn into something much more.
Last saturday, you might have been someone doing that exact thing, taking a stroll, running some errands, and running right into a red carpet. Because last Saturday the massively abundant Duane Reade in Herald Square, already usually busy, went from New York City drugstore to Hollywood inspired runway, filled with dolled up models, and employees, including a dj, and host Tonya Simpson from Sirius Radio.
The reason? Simple. To take all those newly amped up aisles filled with makeup and hair care that we pass by every day during our errands, and perusals, and turn them into an full fledged red carpet event. On this day, the products were the fashion, and the designers, all the fabulous brands showcased, and available at the almost too good to believe Look boutique.
The models; mostly DR employees, who all looked beautiful,strutted down the red carpeted aisles holding all your makeup needs on a silver platter, literally. The platters were filled with multiple designer makeup lines, including Cargo, and the newly launched The Balm, and innovative skincare, like a face mist from Vera Moore.
The day also featured live makeup and hair demos.A highlight was the Whirl-a-style which I watched get moved in and out of the model’s hair like a smooth, silk scarf, as they illustrated how one hair band tool could make a variety of chic up-dos in a matter of minutes. I am almost sure I could not perfect that demo without a lot of cursing and sweating, but I will have fun trying.
the girls “backstage” The Whirl-a-style in use Click here for more info on this brandSee more from Duane Reade on Twitter, and Facebook. Or watch more at Youtube . #DRHollywood
“I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has
been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. All written ideas are from my own blogger brain :)”
#CBias #SocialFabric
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