The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite books, so from the moment the first picture of Carey Mulligan was released on the set of the remake, to the most recent moment when I stumbled upon the coolest sweatshirt ever, I’ve been obsessed. I can’t imagine anything, even leo, being as captivating as Gatsby I read from right off the page, but either way, the fashion will definitely be something to keep your eye on. All things flapper, and 20’s; think fringed dresses, sequin head sashes and headbands, pearls, cloche hats, and a draw it yourself mole. I’m sure this long lost art is lost on most of the female population of today, but as someone who still has her mom’s “beauty mark kit”, I’m showing my age AND my marks.
To properly imitate the look, and the life, throw on a sequin, or fringed dress (like this one I’m selling on ebay, brand new for only $19.00!!, and that I already bought for myself as well), put your hair up in a cute pin or headband, slip on a pair of mary Janes and head to Governors Island this weekend for the Annual Jazz Age lawn Party. (or try to get a discounted VIP ticket on Gilt)
Unfortunately this will mark the 2nd year in a row that I desperately want to go, and still am unable to attend. I’ll be missing the festivities yet again, but I WILL be first in line when Gatsby opens in December. (Mole or no mole….)
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