Frozen Island~ 5 ways to Stay Stylish During Winter In New York City

 Everyone knows that there are a certain few months a year, depending on what city you live in, but at least here on this island, where fashion gets a tad more complicated. Sure, there are your diehards who spare no expense, no matter the weather or the condition. These are the stilettos that trapse through the snow, and the capri pants that brave the wind chill. But for the rest of us, who want that same feeling of style, WITH the warmth part, one has to get slightly more creative. On the city streets, the winter can be brutal, and so can fashion. One always has to be well accessorized and ready for the chill….
This Post was also done in conjunction with IFB, Project # 78- Your Winter Accessory Essentials Frozen Island~ 5 ways to Stay Stylish in Winter in nyc

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