Celebrate #GivingTuesday with Give Forward this Holiday Season

Right now, as it is every year right after Thanksgiving, the shopping season is at a heightened frenzy. Discounts, deals, Black Friday, Cyber Monday. We’re inundated with shopping, spending money, and just things in general. But in recent years that has changed some with the institution of another movement, or holiday; the annual, global Giving Tuesday, which lands on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year, Tuesday, December 2nd. Giving Tuesday was created by the 92nd street Y as a response to all the previously mentioned consumerism that has taken over our daily lives. And yet, Giving Tuesday is not trying to tarnish those famous shopping days. In fact, just the opposite, almost aligning themselves with Black Friday and Cyber Monday as the third in a series of shopping days. The only difference is that this day, instead of shopping for yourself, friends, or family, you’re doing a different kind of giving. The kind that lasts much longer then any gift wrapped present. Giveforward.com knows just how important that giving is, and is also celebrating the day tomorrow.

At Giveforward.com anyone can tell their story, and create a fundraiser. Think Kickstarter but for actual important stuff! And in turn, anyone that wants to give, can. Whether you are a family battling, or someone with a passionate cause, there is one common thread that links everyone; the ability to be giving.

giving tuesday, give forward, movements, donation, pay it forward, holiday giving, holidays, fundraisers, fundraising

On Giving Tuesday express your generosity by giving to the cause that speaks to you. If you haven’t discovered that yet, then find a recipient that does. It can be anything from $10 to help someone battling cancer with their hospital fees, to $1000 for a needed treatment or operation. In the world we live in today, some of the amazing parts of all this advanced technology is how it has allowed people the ability to have such strong feelings for people and causes they don’t even know. Today, we can feel devoted to something, even if we’ve never seen it up close. Social media has done that for our minds.  And Give Forward is giving us the tools to implement that devotion or compassion.

Exercise that compassion tomorrow by heading over to Giveforward.com and doing just that… giving. You can start by reading about one special Giveforward story below, and if you want to give, click here.

Learn about Successful Fundraiser Ideas

Obviously, it shouldn’t only be one day a year that we celebrate giving, or the important things in life. Yet, in these cynical times, it’s also refreshing to see that on one day, a global movement can bring everyone together with a united purpose, and a call to action. And that’s a priceless gift. How will you celebrate Giving Tuesday?


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