Always Eat After 7 program: Recap & final thoughts

Tracking PixelThis post is part of a four part series in partnership with the Always Eat After 7 program and book. All ideas written are my own.

By now, if you’re following along, you know I’ve been working on the Always Eat After 7 program for the last month.

Again, the plan, broken into three phases, teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating more when you are naturally hungriest—in the evening.

always eat after 7 program, always eat after 7pm, always eat after 7pm book challenge, joel marion, new diet plan, new diets, meal planning, new diets, intermittent fasting


A diet that asks you to eat in the evening? Sounds crazy, right?

I thought so too. Except it’s actually not a gimmick. Because Always Eat After 7 pm isn’t just about throwing facts or extreme meal planning at you. It’s more about going back to the beginning and re learning the proper facts about food and science. By making strategic decisions, and smart food swaps, you can eat your favorite foods, without massive regulation and still succeed. 

We’re taught certain things throughout life. Don’t eat a big meal before bed, eat dinner early and try to avoid heavy carbs. Reprogramming your brain to believe things we’ve always been told are wrong may seem crazy at first.

But with massive research, and surprising science, Marion aims to eliminate doubt and prove that these historically popular ideas and models are in fact, not ideal. The Always Eat After 7 program offers a easy to follow plan that encourages giving into food cravings, and eating the majority of calories in the evening.

More of a night owl myself, I was excited to try a new plan that advocates later eating. Especially because I’m someone who is admittedly fond of my nighttime snacking. As I finish the Always Eat After 7 program, I’ve noticed a few changes.

For one, I’m drinking lots more water than before. Something I struggle with despite knowing how vital it is. But by training myself daily, I’ve finally made a habit of it!

I’ve also notice I feel less sluggish, with seemingly more energy throughout the day. Something I assume is attributed to changing certain food habits. Like eating more carbohydrates at night, which allows my body restore glycogen. This in turn is giving me more energy the next day.

By changing certain habits, and adding new recipes, I’ve found a manageable version of the program I can take with me into the summer.

Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here. 

always eat after 7 program, always eat after 7pm, always eat after 7pm book challenge, joel marion, new diet plan, new diets, meal planning, new diets, intermittent fasting

This post is part of a four part series in partnership with Always Eat After 7 pm. All ideas written are my own.

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